
Showing posts from September, 2018

From scandal (and SCANDAL) to hope.

I've been meaning to write about (finally!) seeing one of my favorite bands in concert. But, as is the case with several other posts in this space, I tend not to talk about one thing specifically. So I decided in the end that I would use the experience as a framing device for some other things I wish to touch on. Hopefully this exercise produces a seamless output. Credits t o this brilliant article in Commonweal Magazine for the style I attempted to emulate. I. It was fifteen minutes or so past eight o'clock when the lights in the hall dimmed one Friday evening in downtown San Francisco, as four beautiful ladies walked onstage to begin their performance. This night was eight long years in the making, years filled with admiration for their body of work coupled by a wishful thinking that, some day soon, my own eyes will witness their talents showcased live. Never could I have guessed that this moment will arrive two years into my new living