
Showing posts from April, 2017

Half a pizza and her umbrella.

Originally from my old Multiply blog.  A hopeless romantic's amateurish ode to a lost love, written when I fell head over heels for someone.  I rediscovered  it in my Blogger drafts lately and got a pretty good laugh out of it -- mostly because I sounded so foolishly in love back then. Posting it here so you can laugh along, too. I won't mind, I promise. Modified from the original text. Because, you know, we'd only just revisited the Subject/Verb Agreement rules in English class when this was first written. Trust me, that older version was horrible. (September 1, 2008, 8:57 PM PHT) I was afraid of waking up today, yet I did. I was afraid of many other things when I did wake up: afraid of how today will turn out, afraid of how she'll respond, afraid of her not showing up, afraid of her going away... As I restlessly waited for her in the middle of a sea of people, my train of thought was headed for a crash. What if she changed her mind?

Pain upon pain, grace upon grace.

(A personal reflection on the Fourth Word of Jesus from the Cross, guided by a meditative reading of Venerable Fulton J. Sheen's Life of Christ  throughout the season of Lent.) “And about three o’clock Jesus cried out in a loud voice,  ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’  which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ ”  (Matthew 27:46) Imagine, for a brief moment, someone you hold dear to your heart, a person you trust with your very life suddenly abandon you – your parent, your sibling, your best friend, your loved one, your child. In your time of great agony, in your darkest hour, just when you needed them the most… alas, they are nowhere to be found. They left you high and dry, without any apologies or explanations. A ton of different emotions begin to well up: loneliness, helplessness, disappointment, disgust, rage, all while still bearing the pain that prompted you to seek relief in the first place. These remain bottled up inside of you, and you fi