
Showing posts from August, 2016

You are a good man.

(March 5, 2016) I never imagined that I would think about death as often as I did these past couple of weeks. It’s certainly not the most pleasant feeling in the world. But it’s actually quite sobering to pause every once in a while and ponder your place on this earth, while simultaneously telling yourself that your stay here probably won't last very long. And as if this wasn’t already unusual enough, I was surprised to find some degree of solace in the midst of my reflection from – of all things – a random pair of dogs. It started with a few clicks on my Facebook timeline one February morning as I learned about the passing of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia . (I realize he is a relative unknown to most people living on this side of the globe, so bear with me for just a minute.) His name rang a bell because he was the butt of many jokes by the comedian John Oliver in his satirical news program that I watch every week. The first time I heard of him was two years